
How can i bring my microphone to work?

How can i find my microphone to work? Its logitech and i know its not dead becuase it works on other computers. Mute is not on. Just offer me a list of things that might be a problem and i can stir through all the test to see what it is, whoever posts the first answer that works will be best answer. Its a headset with a mic on it.

How can i bring my microphone to work?

did you check the play spinal column control on the volume control. it may be mute your microphone , just uncheck the mute on the microphone on the preference
testing 1, 2 ,3 ,conducting tests 1,2,3,..........can you hear me now??
Plug it surrounded by? Seriously, it sounds like any the microphone input on your motherboard is dead, or you hold it setup wrong. With most of the newer motherboards that have multichannel audio competency, enabling multichannel disables the microphone, because that port have to be used for the center channel speaker.

