
How can I obtain my mature Windows 98 laptop to spot SanDisk Micro Cruzer USB Flash Drive?

We enjoy a new computer and needed to verbs some old files to our foreign Windows Vista operating system. I went to the SanDisk website and downloaded the driver for the flash drive, but old-fashioned computer will not recognize it. How do I any get the computer to see the flash drive, OR otherwise transfer files?

How can I obtain my mature Windows 98 laptop to spot SanDisk Micro Cruzer USB Flash Drive?

98 have a real problem next to it's usb ports i would try downloading to disk /or redownloading from sites or even put the old hdd as a slave within the new contrivance
Have you tried this site for 98 Drivers:

have you tried running the supply new hardware wizard within the control panel try it, it should work make sure your flash drive is fitted when you run it though
im not sure but i don't deliberate windows 98 can authorize flash disks
Do you happen to know which text of win98 you have? The purpose I ask is Win98 didn't have USB support, that I remember anyway. If you enjoy Second Edition, you should be able to download and install the Windows update to distribute you USB support.
You have to hold second edition and update it.
you need to install the driver insert your driver cd later plug the pen drive and when prompted install the drivers if this is not helping then 98 have a great problem with usb devices you can verbs data by burning it on cd.
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